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ISO 17100:2015-06 in KMK Translation Agency

Post date
12/19/2018 - 17:09
Last modified
07/20/2023 - 17:33
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Redakcja PSBT

In December 2018, there was a supervising audit conducted in KMK Translation Agency. Its purpose was to confirm compliance of applied procedures with ISO 17100:2015-06 standard.

We are delighted to announce that application of ISO 17100:2015 in KMK Translation Agency was positively assessed by an external auditor from Bureau Veritas. We have obtained 98% of 100% during the assessment. Our translation agency successfully passed the certification audit regarding the aforementioned standard in 2016.

We put every effort into ensuring proper operation and providing translation services of KMK Translation Agency which are compliant with applicable quality standards and directives of European Union.

Please visit our website at

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