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A Summary of 2013 in C&M Localization Center

Post date
12/19/2013 - 14:43
Last modified
07/20/2023 - 17:31
Profile picture for user superadmin
Redakcja PSBT

2013 has been a good year for C&M Localization Center. Our revenue increased again, we introduced new work posts, implemented new tools enhancing our work quality, and expanded our internship programs. Our “Świat dla Młodych” (World for the Young) scholarship scheme, which is intended for linguistically gifted youths from the Lower Silesian region, is still very popular.

The recurrent recertification audit has confirmed that the methodology and procedures employed by our company are 100% compliant with PN-EN 15038. No non-compliances were found during the audit, which indicates that C&M complies with all requirements laid down in PN-EN 15038.

We hope that 2014 will start equally good and it will eventually become another successful year in our history.

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