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Centrum Lokalizacji C&M at the EAMT 2014 Conference in Dubrovnik

Post date
07/07/2014 - 21:30
Last modified
07/20/2023 - 17:31
Profile picture for user superadmin
Redakcja PSBT

The 17th International Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) took place on 16–18 of June 2014 in Dubrovnik.

As every year, the agenda of the conference included abstract and poster sessions divided into three main topics: research works, research in the field of SMT usage, and miscellaneous studies.

Both poster and oral presentations were very interesting and gave the opportunity to get acquainted with the current state of knowledge concerning the algorithms used in statistical machine translation as well as the quality control methods and other issues related to the practical application of these algorithms.

Participation in the conference was a very crucial step towards improving the quality of the SMT engine used in C&M as we have received answers to many questions and obtained a lot of material for further experimentations.

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