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Centrum Lokalizacji C&M Co-organizes “The Translator and The Computer” Conference in Wrocław

Post date
05/07/2012 - 20:22
Last modified
07/20/2023 - 17:31
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On April 20-21, the Philological School of Higher Education and C&M Localization Center jointly organized “The Translator and the Computer” conference in Wrocław. During this two-day event, many interesting presentations were held, some of the speakers presented their research findings on the usage of widely available and specialized translation software. Moreover, the features characterizing the work of professional translation agencies along with their cooperation with freelance translators were addressed. C&M was represented by CEO, Michał Tyszkowski, PhD, who presented his paper on complex translation project management entitled „Zawartość tłumaczenia w tłumaczeniu - czyli projekt tłumaczeniowy jako całość” (“How Much Translation in Translation? - Translation Project As a Whole”), and Bartłomiej Dymek who explained the functionalities of the ApSIC Xbench application, an excellent and free tool that renders the assurance of high quality translations more simple, during his presentation entitled “Tłumaczenie i kontrola jakości tłumaczenia z wykorzystaniem programu ApSIC Xbench” (Translation and Quality Control Using ApSIC Xbench Software). The conference became a field of discussions between the academic and the business world, as well as between freelance translators and translation agencies due to their different points of view. Nevertheless, the conference was a huge success, as it revealed to both the translators and the academics the importance of IT technologies in technical translations, and the fact that the future of translation lies in the development of a close man-computer cooperation.

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