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Centrum Lokalizacji C&M Has Been Selected by ABB as a Preferred Language Service Provider

Post date
01/21/2013 - 16:38
Last modified
07/20/2023 - 17:31
Profile picture for user superadmin
Redakcja PSBT

It is with great pleasure and satisfaction that we would like to announce that Centrum Lokalizacji C&M has won important tender at the end of 2012. Our company has joined the language service providers for ABB Poland. Contract concerns software localization and the translation of technical documentation of highly advanced technologies. It represents a major challenge and hold great opportunity to further develop our company and honor the trust that leading companies have bestowed on us. For more information, please visit *The name of company was used for information purposes only.   Centrum Lokalizacji C&M is one of the leading language service providers operating in the Central and Eastern European market.C&M is carrying out advanced works on machine translation (MT), human-aided machine terminology management and quality control tools. The company is a member of international and domestic trade associations, including GALA, TAUS Data Association, PSBT, and KOMTE.

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