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C&M Participates in a Panel Discussion During the “Translation and Localization Conference” in Warsaw

Post date
05/08/2012 - 10:32
Last modified
07/20/2023 - 17:31
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Redakcja PSBT

The “Translation and Localization Conference” took place in Warsaw on April 28-29. It was the first edition of the new conference organized by During the conference, CEO, Michał Tyszkowski, PhD, participated in the discussion entitled „Kontrola jakości - czym jest jakość tekstu z perspektywy zleceniodawcy, jak obiektywnie oceniać jakość tłumaczeń?” (“Quality Control - What Does Text Quality Mean for a Customer, and How To Objectively Assess the Quality of translations?”). The discussion, with Marta Bartnicka from IBM Poland among other participants, covered different aspects of the translation quality control, such as automation prospects, comparability of texts representing different quality levels, the weights of various kinds of errors and quality improvement methods. The animated discussion engaged a lot of participants in the conference, as the translation quality is a very subjective matter, and the methods for its control are still controversial.

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