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CM's Employees Actively Participate in Conferences

Post date
03/15/2016 - 21:21
Last modified
07/20/2023 - 17:32
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Redakcja PSBT

In 2016 CM’s employees actively participate in a series of conferences.

On March 3–5, Rafał Kiljan delivered a speech at the conference National Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference organized by AGH in Kraków.
And on March 11–12, our team took part in The Translation and Localization Conference 2016. One day later, Bartłomiej Dymek hosted a panel discussion at the conference called Konferencja Tłumaczy 2016.

In mid-September, the 9th annual conference of the EMRBI Institute, co-organized this year by Centrum Lokalizacji CM and the University of Warsaw, will take place. The conference motto is “Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Digital Ecosystems”.

For more information, please visit our page.

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