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C&M’s Employees Interviewed at Philological School of Higher Education (WSF) in Wrocław

Post date
06/08/2015 - 14:11
Last modified
07/20/2023 - 17:32
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Redakcja PSBT

C&M has been cooperating with the Philological School of Higher Education (WSF) in Wrocław since 2011. The result of this cooperation is, among others, a newly developed practical philological course which is to prepare graduates for the challenges of the modern labor market. This includes training for the profession of a translator.

The interview was given by Bartłomiej Dymek, who is the author of the module on general and specialized translation, and by Michał Tyszkowski, PhD, who participated in the evaluation of the course.

Both interviews are available on the Philological School of Higher Education (WSF) website.
For more information, please visit


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