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Confirmation of conformity to the EN 15038 Standard at LIDO-LANG

Post date
04/27/2010 - 00:00
Last modified
07/20/2023 - 17:31
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Redakcja PSBT

LIDO-LANG Technical Translations has once again successfully completed the audit of the “PN-EN 15038:2006 Translation Services” Standard. The audit, which was carried out by the Bureau Veritas Certification Polska, revealed 97.9% concordance, which is one of the best results in Poland and all of Europe.

The EN 15038 Standard is a well-known certificate in Europe that is awarded to translation companies. It comprises a set of procedures and definitions concerning, among other things, translation processes, quality assurance system, and company management. The certificate defines whether a given company applies standards that guarantee the highest quality of the services offered.

LIDO-LANG Technical Translations has been in possession of the PN-EN 15038 certificate since 2007. Yearly audits confirm its conformity of the processes that are applied to the accepted quality determinants. Effective course of the audit and the systematic control of the company were made possible by the use of the company management system - XTRF™.

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