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Post date
10/05/2011 - 09:07
Last modified
07/20/2023 - 17:31
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Redakcja PSBT

From the beginning of its activity Studio Gambit has put the greatest emphasis on the quality of the offered services and the satisfaction of our clients. The results are as follows: a positive audit assessment of the processes effectiveness, no objection to their quality and the renewal of ISO 9001 Certificate for the next year.

The annual, two-day management processes audit was conducted by DNV Business Assurance, a reputable, independent certification body. The verification of the compliance of processes took place in September in the office in Gdansk, and all ISO 9001:2008 processes in the area of professional translations, localization and desktop publishing were controlled. The audit report confirmed the effectiveness and high competence of Studio Gambit in accordance with the international quality standards.

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