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Post date
01/04/2010 - 01:00
Last modified
07/20/2023 - 17:31
Profile picture for user superadmin
Redakcja PSBT

n December 2009 Studio Gambit was officially announced “Certified SAP Translation Partner for the language combination: English/German - Polish”. This certification acknowledges the company's versatile language competence to both localize SAP software and translate related documentation, its commitment to ideal source-target equivalence, and invariably accomplished style of different renditions. Apart from the immaculate quality, the German IT giant has a particularly high opinion of Studio Gambit's comprehensive portfolio of services, ranging from software localization and translation of marketing materials to desktop publishing. It is the high quality, professional and efficient DTP services that are especially appreciated by the new Partner and that distinguish Studio Gambit from other companies cooperating with SAP.

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