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Świat dla Młodych (World for the Young) Foundation Has Been Established by Katarzyna Tyszkowska and Michał Tyszkowski

Post date
08/07/2017 - 18:10
Last modified
07/20/2023 - 17:32
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Redakcja PSBT

We are proud to announce that the Świat dla Młodych (World for the Young) Foundation was established by Katarzyna Tyszkowska and Michał Tyszkowski in June 2017. The founders are the owners of Centrum Lokalizacji CM. The goal of the foundation is to support young linguistic talents from Lower Silesia by funding the “Świat dla Młodych” (World for the Young) scholarship scheme and to engage in charity activities as well as provide help to children in need. We are convinced that this initiative will further increase the size and scope of our help and charity efforts.

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