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The Beginning of Spring Brought New Trainings by Centrum Lokalizacji CM

Post date
04/11/2017 - 13:26
Last modified
07/20/2023 - 17:32
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Redakcja PSBT

On March 5th our representatives conducted a training on biochemical translations for the FreeLING. This niche topic raised a lot of interest and resulted in many questions and lively discussions.

Also, on 1st and 2nd of April, CM took part in the Third Congress of the Translators of the Lublin Region. This year, the keynote was the quality of translation. Our experts took active part in the plenary and workshop sessions, sharing their knowledge and discussing with the participants of the Congress under a watchful eye of Michał Tyszkowski, CEO.

Again, our participation in both events proves that Centrum Lokalizacji CM brings together excellent experts who want to share their expertise with others and know-how to do it.

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