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The Employees of C&M Localization Center Organized Loads of Attractions for the Children from the Community Center in Legnica to Celebrate the Children’s Day

Post date
06/10/2013 - 23:27
Last modified
07/20/2023 - 17:31
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Redakcja PSBT

On June 1, the employees of C&M Localization Center, as part of the continued support provided to the Community Center in Legnica, invited the children to the Wrocław Zoological Garden. Despite the bad weather, the children participated in a fantastic adventure during their visit in the Wrocław ZOO, where numerous attractions for young visitors had been prepared. Our employees proved themselves to be the perfect supplementary carers, and the happiness and joy in the eyes of the children that can be seen in the photos, is the highest award for our company.

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